Blue Devil Bookworm Club for PK-2nd Grade
Get ready to transform into a Blue Devil Bookworm! Dive into the reading adventure by devouring 50 books with gusto before the deadline of April 30th, 2025—snack on 20 nonfiction and 20 fiction books, with the remaining 10 as your bookish dessert. Along the way, jot down your thoughts, and once you're done, hand in your reading log to Mrs. Hamill to earn a JTR Blue Devil Bookworm T-shirt and be featured on the morning news and social media! Let the reading magic begin!
This assignment is due by April 30th, 2025.
Blue Devil Bookworm Club for 3rd-5th Grade
To become a certified Blue Devil Bookworm, you've got to dive into 15 books by April 30th, 2025. Your mission? Craft a snazzy Google Slides Presentation shared in your Media Center Google Classroom. Read at least 1 book from each of the 10 genres on slide 3, and the other 5 can be whatever tickles your fancy. Read, slide, understand, repeat! Check out slides 5 & 6 for the lowdown and an example. Once you've conquered all 15 books, send the slideshow via Google Classroom and shout to Mrs. Hamill! Let the book bonanza begin!
This assignment is due by April 30th, 2025.
J.T. Reddick Media Center

Our Mission
The mission of the J.T. Reddick Media Center is to create an environment in which all students are empowered to become lifelong learners and readers, and influential users of information and ideas.
To accomplish this, the media center:
provides access to fiction and non-fiction materials in a variety of formats
provides instruction designed to develop information skills
assists students in selecting appropriate reading and research materials
Works with classroom teachers to support units of study in a way that will help students learn to locate, evaluate, and use a broad range of materials and information effectively.
Flexible Schedule
Because of our flexible schedule, you might find students from kindergarten to fifth grade in the media center simultaneously. A class may enjoy a story while other students check out books or explore the latest information available to them on the Internet. The Media Center is a great place to find beautiful books for recreational reading. There is always a new book to read! Students can also access the latest news around the world in our media center and websites on their Chromebooks.
When can students check out books?
Students are welcome to come to the media center whenever they need to select new materials! Students may check books out for two weeks. Students may renew any item. Fines are only due when an item is lost or damaged. Students who do not pay fines or fail to return materials may have borrowing privileges restricted for some time. We hope that our students will become responsible users of the media center materials.
Media Center Expectations
Enter, leave, and work quietly.
Take good care of books.
Return books on time.
Keep our Media Center looking neat.
Always walk in the Media Center
Need Help with Online Research?
Check out Galileo, Georgia's Virtual Library. Ask the media specialist for the password and gain access to multiple online databases through GALILEO's homepage: http://www.galileo.usg.edu. Also, check out GALILEO Kids' Page: http://kids.galileo.usg.edu.
Follett/Destiny System
Would you like to know whether or not your school media center has a particular book? Try searching our media center's online catalog using Destiny's database. Click on the link and choose our school, J.T. Reddick, and search for titles under the catalog tab.