Mrs. Morrow's class is brave, bold, and drug-free! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Pre-K celebrating Red Ribbon Week! ❤ #wearejtr #4theT

Our schools are collecting non-perishable food items to create Thanksgiving baskets. Items will be collected November 1st - 11th. To donate, drop items in the boxes located in the front office at each school or see the school counselor. #4theT

Just say NO to drugs! 🧡 #wearejtr #4theT #redribbonweek

Santa's Workshop Coming Soon! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

We continue to build a culture of learning for EVERYONE at JTR! Mr. Dean tested his critical thinking skills with fourth-graders. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Our Annual Fall Festival was a huge success! Thank you to the families and community members who came out and supported this fun night! We are better together! 🎃💙#wearejtr #4theT #bettertogether

Today we celebrated the October Students of the Month. These students exemplify their ability to be respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. Keep up the great work, students! #wearejtr #4theT #studentofthemonth

These Pre-K students wore pink to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Mrs. Bostick's third-graders had a blast making witch hat cookies and putting the skill of sequencing into action! 🧡🖤🧡#wearejtr #4theT

We appreciate our bus drivers! 🚌💙#wearejtr #4theT

Mrs. Montgomery's students support Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 💗#wearejtr #4theT

Today starts our annual Canned Food Drive! The homeroom that brings in the most canned goods will win a pizza party! Also, students will earn ONE REDDICK BUCK for every can they bring! The last day to bring in cans is November 16th. #wearejtr #4theT

Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

A special thank you to Tift County High School for bringing JTR cupcakes to celebrate the Tift County 2022 Graduation Rate! 93.5%!!! It takes every teacher working together to accomplish such a high rate! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

We love to celebrate our awesome bosses! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT #happybossesday

Flashlight Friday is the best way to spend a Friday in October reading! We love bOOOks! 📚 👻💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Ms. Wilson's third-graders had a fun time learning about sequencing and making edible witch hats! 🎃 #wearejtr #4theT

J.T. Reddick faculty, staff, and students pledge to be drug-free! ❤ #wearejtr #4theT

Mrs. Montgomery's students wore orange for UNITY DAY! 🧡 #wearejtr #4theT