Did you know Science could be fun and yummy too? Third-grade students in Ms. Jacobs’ class built an edible neuron. Students had to identify the parts and functions before enjoying their yummy treat! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Congratulations to the August and September Employees and Teachers of the Month! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Mrs. Montgomery's second-graders played Jeopardy to learn and review sight words! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Pre-K having fun! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

JT Reddick students are beyond excited to be participating in their first PBIS day! These 5th grade students have the responsibility of managing the PBIS store and snack cart! A huge thank you to Mrs. Payne for her preparations with PBIS day.
💙 #weareJTR #welovePBIS #4theT

Check out the J.T. Reddick's News for October!

Bryson Burkes sold the most donuts for the JTR fall fundraiser! Bryson was presented with a $100 gift card to Walmart. Great job, Bryson! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

It's National Milk Day! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Today in Mrs. Coley’s class, Ms. Tucker led an activity about math facts. The students were put into 4 groups, and they were assigned a specific math fact to present to the class. They were to come up with their own method on memorizing each fact. #4theT #wearejtr

We are aware that schools south of us have made a decision to close tomorrow and Friday. We have received no information at this time leading us to make that decision for Tift County Schools. We will continue to monitor the storm and work with our local EMA to make decisions. At this time we will be having school on Thursday and Friday. #4theT

Save the date! Grandparents' Day at the Book Fair! October 19th from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Invitations will be sent home soon! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Book Fair coming soon! October 18th-21st! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Homecoming is next week! Let's go, Blue Devils! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Ms. Morrow's Class enjoyed buddy reading today! 💙 #readersareleaders #teachonereachone #wearejtr

Please read the attached information. Thank you!

We are monitoring the weather situation and will continue to send out updates as we receive information. If it is determined that there is a need to make a change to the school calendar, we will notify everyone as soon as possible. Visit athletics.tiftschools.com for updates or changes to the athletics calendar for this week.
This is a great time to make sure you have updated your contact information, if you have not done so. Log into the Parent Portal and go to More > Online Registration and choose 22-23 Existing Student Registration. For questions about updating information you can also contact Central Registration at 229-387-2424.
Download our TiftSchools app and turn on notifications to receive the latest information as it is sent out. #4theT

It's Georgia Pre-K Week! Let's celebrate! See the attached flyer for the daily themes. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

We had a blast tailgating with Annie Belle Clark at the Red, White, and Blue Devil Game! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Pre-K having a great day! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT