Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Water Day! 💙 😎🌊 #wearejtr #4theT

Any student, currently in Grades 5 - 11, interested in running Cross Country next year is invited to attend an Informational Meeting on Monday, May 16th at 5:30pm in the Commons at TCHS. #4theT

JTR faculty and staff want to thank BURN CULTURE for blessing us with Chick-fil-A chicken biscuits! We appreciate your kindness and generosity! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT #communitysupport

Mrs. Hamill and Ms. Jacobs celebrated the JTR Media Team with pancakes and sausage. These students were integral in creating, reporting, and airing the daily news at JTR. They have shown outstanding leadership and team skills throughout the school year. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Happy School Nurse Day to the ladies who care for our students every day! We appreciate what you do #4theT! https://youtu.be/FWLUji3C6xQ

It is time to return all library books so other students can enjoy them for years to come! Please look for a notice in your child's bookbag if they need to return or pay for a library book. I appreciate your support! 💙📚💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Important: Get your child their very own library card at JTR's field day! See the attached information for details. #wearejtr #4theT

Field Day 2022!

It's almost time for Summer Feeding! The Tift County School Nutrition Program will be providing meals for students each Tuesday during the month of June. See the flyer for more information or visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/summer-feeding-program. #4theT

Important LSGT information for rising 6th graders.

April Students of the Month!

J.T. Reddick faculty and staff are praying for Amy Paulk Grist and her family.❤🖤❤

Members of the Class of 2022 will be going back to walk the halls of their elementary school before they walk Brodie Field for graduation. Check the date and time for each school. #4theT

Mrs. Mann was the lucky winner of a Michael Kors purse! Thank you to PTO and The Howard Center for sponsoring this gift! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT #communitysupport

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Congrats to Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Maddie, Mrs. Hancock, Coach Lasseter, Mrs. McMillan, Ms. Gainey, Ms. Jacobs, Mrs. Paulk, Mrs. White, and Mr. Wilson! Thank you to Waffle House, Roberts & Co, The Pineapple Post, Diablo's Store, Therapeutic Massage, Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, and SNAPology for the gifts! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT #communitysupport

We are grateful for our nutrition staff! Thank YOU for all YOU do!! #wearejtr #4theT 🍱💙🥗

Students maintained perfect attendance during GMAS...so Mr. Dean had to kiss the Daisy the cow! 🐄 #wearejtr #4theT 💙

We love Mr. Dean for all he does! 💙#wearejtr #4theT

Thank YOU Dr. Stone and TCHS graduates for sharing “I Promise” by LeBron James with all kindergarten students. You make us #betterTodaythanyesterday!!! #BTTY #weareJTR 💙💙