CTAE students from the high school finger printed students and provided them with their personal finger prints booklet!
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
ctae students
ctae students
ctae students
JTR kindergarten students are thankful for Mrs. Mann, our awesome school counselor! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
school counselor week
Positive Office Referrals! JTR students know how to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
positive office referrals
Happy National School Counseling Week! Mrs. Mann, You are making a difference in the lives of the students, staff, and families you work with each and every day! Thank you for being our school counselor! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Mrs. Mann
Students at JTR conducted an analysis of inspirational quotes from America's Black leaders to create a visual display. 5th graders give honor and respect to Black history each and every day and are fortunate to highlight their work this month. 💙 #4theT #Blackhistorymonth
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
black history month
As we are making preparations for the 2022-2023 school year, we need to gather information on the possibility of offering our K-5 online option for the next school year. This information will help us better prepare our instruction and support in advance for all students and teachers. If you are interested in your child(ren) participating in our K-5 Online Program, please fill out the google form below. https://forms.gle/SZUN2VzwiExfvKAd6
about 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Online Learning Grades K-5
JTR students know the importance of taking care of their health! See the important information about the Kids Heart Challenge which is happening right now! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT https://www2.heart.org/site/SPageNavigator/ym_khc_get_started_guide.html
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
kids heart challenge
kids heart challenge
We are so proud of these writing fair winners! Overall winners for grades 3-5 are: 3rd - Nathan White 4th - Meera Patel 5th - Hunter Monk
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
grade level writing fair winners
grade level writing fair winners
grade level writing fair winners
We are so proud of these writing fair winners! Overall winners for each grade-level from K-2nd are: Kindergarten - Avery Mallard 1st - Gorgeous Watts 2nd - Elainee Hamill
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
grade level writing fair winners
grade level writing fair winners
grade level writing fair winners
Check out our Facebook page to see the Writing Fair Competition winners for the 2021-2022 school year! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
writing fair winners
JTR students always have fun in STEM lab! 5th graders made slime, kindergarteners moved a cookie down their face without using their hands, and 2nd and 3rd graders participated in pirate camp! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
stem lab
stem lab
stem lab
Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
positive office referrals
Parents & Guardians, please join us for A Taste of Curriculum!
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
A Taste of Curriculum
We are proud of the January Students of the Month! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
january students of the month
5th grade had fun working on passion projects for 4-H and sharing them with their class. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
4h presentations
4h presentations
5th grade 4H members at JTR presented their projects and speeches this morning for the District Project Achievement competition. Our 4H students received awards for their work. Everyone did a wonderful job! Way to go! #4H #JTR
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
4 H presentations
From now until February 10th JTR's BETA Club is selling Candy grams for $1.00. Sales are held every morning on the 3rd grade hall and outside the cafeteria. Buy a candy gram for a friend! All candy grams will be delivered on Valentine's day. 💙#BETAclub #JTR
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
beta club candy gram sales
Pre-K Registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open! Students must be 4 years old on or before September 1st. Check out this video for more information on how to register your child. https://youtu.be/vegnjIS92Zk
about 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
PreK Registration for 2022-2023
Tomorrow is PBIS Friday which means it is a dress down day for students! Woohoo!
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Mrs. Coley's class began Opinion Writing and what better way to do that by identifying their favorite cracker! They also enjoyed a nice afternoon snack! Way to go, Firsties! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
opinion writing
opinion writing
opinion writing