Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
positive office referrals
PEACE~LOVE~READ ---- Only 4 days left to purchase a t-shirt! The entire school will wear these shirts on Wednesday, March 2nd! Thank you for supporting reading and JTR! ☮💙📚
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
peace, love, read t-shirt
PreK Registration for the 2022-2023 school year will open February 1st. The online application is now available. Visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/prek-registration-guidelines for information and to access the application.
about 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
PreK Registration for 2022-2023
All Tift County schools and offices will be closed today in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
about 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
MLK Day Closure Notice
PEACE~LOVE~READ ---- Read Across America T-shirts are available for sale! The entire school will wear these shirts on Wednesday, March 2nd! Thank you for supporting reading and JTR! ☮💙📚
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
peace, love, read t-shirt
Did you forget to order a yearbook last year? You're in luck! We have a small number of 2020-2021 JTR yearbooks left over and they are on sale for $15 each! If you would like to purchase one, please send your payment to school with your child ASAP. We accept cash and checks. First come, first served.
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
The Tift County Choral Program Presents 'Sweets & Songs', featuring students in grades K-12. January 21st - 23rd at the TCHS Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $10.
about 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Sweets & Songs
PEACE~LOVE~READ ---- Read Across America T-shirts are available for sale! The entire school will wear these shirts on Wednesday, March 2nd! Thank you for supporting reading and JTR! ☮💙📚
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
peace, love, read t-shirt
5th graders participated in their monthly 4H meeting this morning by preparing to work on their presentations and speeches for Project Achievement. Officers assisted with the pledge. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
5th graders and 4H
Check out these creative writers. Last nine weeks, the 5th grade GATE resource class wrote their own Reader's Theater from scratch. Students planned, edited, and created a wonderful script. Some of the students presented their scripts to their peers! Way to go fifth graders! 💙
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
GATE resource
PEACE~LOVE~READ ---- Read Across America T-shirts are available for sale! The entire school will wear these shirts on Wednesday, March 2nd! Thank you for supporting reading and JTR! ☮💙📚
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
peace, love, read t-shirt
J.T. Reddick is proud of the December Students of the Month! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
december students of the month
We honor the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect ours. 💙
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
national law enforcement day
Go DAWGS! Or, ROLL TIDE! Students and staff may show the team they support by dressing in team apparel and colors! Don’t forget to wear your #Ellie shirt as well! 💙
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Georgia versus bama
PEACE~LOVE~READ ---- Read Across America T-shirts are available for sale! The entire school will wear these shirts on Wednesday, March 2nd! Thank you for supporting reading and JTR! ☮💙📚
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
peace, love, read t-shirt
Report card grades are available on Infinite Campus. Please see the attached information for details about parent access.
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
parent portal infinite campus
Don't forget to return your BINGO boards!
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
bingo board
PEACE~LOVE~READ ---- Read Across America T-shirts are available for sale! The entire school will wear these shirts on Wednesday, March 2nd! Thank you for supporting reading and JTR! ☮💙📚
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
peace, love, read t-shirt
PEACE~LOVE~READ ---- Read Across America T-shirts will be available for purchase beginning Wednesday! Please be on the lookout for an order form in your child's folder. Thank you for supporting reading and JTR! ☮💙📚
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
peace, love, read t-shirt
JTR's Christmas Program spread the Christmas cheer for all to hear! Check out our Facebook page to see the amazing talent at JTR! 🎅🎄💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
check it out