Mrs. Morrows' Class is cheering on a new school year!! #wearejtr #Movingfullspeedahead
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students cheering on a new school year
Mr. Dean loves the students at JTR! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
principal playing football with students
principal with students
5th graders worked together in the library to answer prompts such as "My favorite genre..." and "Our library should be _____ everyday." JTR students are awesome! #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
fifth grade students working in the library
fifth grade students working in the library
The Reader of the Month is launching at JTR! Teachers will be looking for students reading independently, participating in guided reading, and showing overall enthusiasm for reading. Students will earn their picture on the wall of fame, a snack with a friend, and more!
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
reader of the month display
Mrs. Melton's students having fun in the library with story time and illustrating their favorite book! #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students in library
2nd graders in library
2nd graders in library
We need your help! Once your car rider is loaded, please remove the name tag from the rearview mirror to signal to our traffic director that you are ready to go. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Thank you to the Travis Williams Foundation. They always support education in Tift County. Thank you so much for all you do for the children of Tift County!! 💙#4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
group photo
Did you know that we have Southwell Clinics located at Annie Belle Clark and Eighth Street Middle School? Both clinics are available to ALL Tift Co students, staff and retirees. COVID testing is available for symptomatic patients. Call either clinic if you have questions.
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Southwell Clinic Non-Emergent Sick Only Clinic Ad
Winners of the challenge! 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
The 5th graders had the most fun building their team work skills by participating in the "Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower Challenge". Congrats to Adelyn, Ava Grace, Kaylee and Natalyah for building the tallest tower! Great team work girls! #4theT #fullspeedahead #firstdayfun
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Mrs. Wilson’s students played BINGO today while developing relationships with one another!
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
These awesome students were awarded a trophy and medals for their win in the South GA Econ games of 2021. Congratulations Whitley, Ave Grace, Hunter and Graceson! 💙 We are so proud of your accomplishment! #4theT #fullspeedahead
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students getting awards
teacher and students
Playground hangs, lunch hangs, brother hangs at JTR. 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Mrs. Lever’s first graders had a great first day of school! 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Prayer walk at JTR! 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
prayer walk
JTR students love Mr. Dean! 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Mrs. Wilson’s class had fun making and drinking “jitter juice.” Good news - the jitters didn’t last long! 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
jitter juice
jitter juice
jitter juice
jitter juice
First day fun!
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Best administration in Tift County! 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
JTR faculty and staff are riding for the brand! If you don’t follow us on Instagram @jtres_tift you are missing out! 💙
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill