Ms. Daniels' & Mrs. Prince's Pre-K class acted out "The Three Little Pigs." #wearejtr

Tomorrow is a dress down day, and we want students to show their Tift County spirit! Wear your blue and white, put on your Tift County jersey, or paint a "T" on your face! Most importantly, wear a smile! #wearejtr #4theT
#bluedevilnation #gameday

Positive Office Referrals! Way to go, students! 💙 #wearejtr

Part 2…

Part 1: Mrs. Lever’s 1st graders are working on where writers get their ideas from. Each student brought in a favorite toy, told a story about it and then drew a picture of it in their drawing book with the hopes of writing a story about their toy in a few weeks. 💙 #wearejtr

Last week, students in Ms. Reynold’s 4th grade class participated in the Boston Tea Party! Ms. Reynold’s rocks! #wearejtr

We have created the following FAQ document to address your questions related to our Temporary Learning at Home Option. #4theT https://5il.co/xdej

Everyone please take notice that today's PTO meeting will be CANCELLED! However we will meet NEXT TUESDAY the 24th at 6:00 pm!!!
Make plans and mark your calendar to join us for our PTO meeting next week!!

For those families that would like to choose our Temporary Learning at Home Option, the sign up link is now available. Please submit a separate response for each child that will be participating in this option. https://forms.gle/A86kL1Cqf18PgvHR6

Students, enjoy your 3 day weekend! Don’t forget that Monday is a Teacher Work Day! #4theT

The data in this update is for the reporting period of 08/06/2021 to 08/12/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/covid-19-resources. #4theT

Please watch the information provided by Superintendent Hathaway regarding our COVID-19 Update. #4theT

J.T. Reddick Kindergarteners had fun learning about the five senses! #wearejtr #4theT

Tift County Recreation Department registrations have been extended to August 27th!

Tomorrow is NOT a dress down day for students. Students ARE required to wear uniforms. Thank you!

Mrs. Payne's third graders were highly focused as they wrote about a time they tried something new! #wearejtr #4theT

You are looking at JTR's Media Team! These students will be hosting and producing the morning announcements starting next week. Lights, camera, action! #wearejtr #4theT

Ms. Daniels' and Ms. Prince's Pre-K students practiced writing the letter A. Their work is Absolutely Amazing! #wearejtr #4theT

Mrs. Morrows' class showing their creativity using the stem bins. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Attention all Future Cheerleaders...The TCHS Future Cheerleader Clinic (PreK - 5th Grade) will be held Saturday, September 11th from 9am until 2pm. See flyer for registration information. #4theT