Mrs. Coley’s class enjoyed working on nouns today using our new Promethean Panels. Student were able to write and also maneuver boxes to identify common and proper nouns. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
coley's class
A special thank you to the Howard Center! They donated over 300 water bottles for student use! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT #communitysupport
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
water bottles
JTR'S 5th grade team has had a great start to a new school year and is excited for what's to come! #weareJTR #5thgraderocks #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
5th grade
Mark your calendars...Monday, August 15th is a Teacher Work Day (student holiday). #4theT
over 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Teacher Work Day August 15th
J.T. Reddick is so proud of Aden Burke! This past summer, he attended the National Youth Leadership Forum: Pathways to STEM at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta. Check out our Facebook page for more details! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
stem camp
stem camp
stem camp
stem camp
Open House - Tuesday, August 30th - 5:30PM 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
open house
Did you know that we have Southwell Clinics located at Annie Belle Clark Elementary and Eighth Street Middle School? Both clinics are available to ALL Tift Co students, staff and retirees. Call either clinic if you have questions. #4theT
over 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Southwell Clinic Non-Emergent Sick Only Clinic Ad
We are so excited to introduce our 2022-2023 J.T. Reddick Media Team! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
media team
Thank you Acceptance Insurance for the school supplies. We are grateful for your generosity. 💙 #weareJTR #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
acceptance insurance
acceptance insurance
We are currently seeking applicants for a receptionist position at J T Reddick Elementary. The job announcement for this and other available positions can be found at #4theT
over 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Career Opportunities Available
Let's go Blue Devils! The JTR faculty, staff, and students are ready to represent tomorrow! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
blue devils
Returning Student Information Verification/Update - Login to your Parent Portal account and verify/update your information. Send Proofs for address changes to or bring them to Central Registration. Please complete update by 8/15/2022. #4theT
over 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Update your student's information
Chromebook Insurance: For only $17, your child's Chromebook is protected from accidental damage, cracked screens, liquid submersion, fire, flood, and loss/theft. Your child will be coming home with a flyer today. If you are using the paper form, please mail the form instead of turning it into the school. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
chromebook insurance
Important Announcement for Parents!
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
Important Announcement for Parents!
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
important announcement
Thank you Coach Travis Williams for donating school supplies on behalf of Patricia’s Blessed Closet and In the Loop Coaching. J. T. Reddick is thankful that you continue to give back! We appreciate you!! 💙 #4theT #weareJTR #anchorsup
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
Ms. Wilson’s class had lots of first day fun playing games to get to know their classmates! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
getting to know you
getting to know you
J.T. Reddick students enjoyed listening to Mr. Hathaway read "First Day Jitters!" 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
first day jitters
Students in the 5th grade worked on their team building skills today by dividing up and participating in the Spaghetti & Marshmallow Challenge. Congratulations to the winners! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
5th graders calmed their first day nerves by enjoying the read aloud The First Day Jitters and then following a recipe to make their own Jitter Juice! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
jitter juice