J.T. Reddick is proud to present the August Students of the Month! These students are exemplars of being respectful, responsible, and ready! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
students of the month
We are so proud of our August Readers of the Month! These students read when their classwork is finished, return their home reading logs, regularly visit the library, participate in guided reading, and focus on improving their reading levels!💙 #readersareleaders #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
Readers of the Month
For their writing lesson today, Mrs. Watson's students practiced drawing themselves as a character, with details that made them who they are. They thought about what details they would need to add for the character to look like them. They used a couple of characters from read aloud books as a model. 😊✏️💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
students drawing
students drawing
In Mrs. Waldschlager’s class, Khloe knew all her popcorn words and could spell them all. Way to go!!!! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
sight words
Hooray!! These students was rewarded for knowing how to read and write their sight words. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
sight words
JTR students had a fun time "playing" in media center rotations! Play is a great way to enrich learning and develop key skills such as inquiry, expression, experimentation, and teamwork. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
J.T. Reddick is so fortunate to have Ken Ellis! Mr. Ellis serves as a primary source of American history. Today Mr. Ellis shared his first hand account of the integration process for his school system in West Palm Beach, Florida. Thank you so much Mr. Ellis for sharing your wisdom with us! 💙 #weareJTR #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
Student in Mrs. Coley’s class worked in groups while going on a Non-Fiction Text Feature Scavenger Hunt! Students found the table of contents, headings, text boxes and captions! Do you know the difference between Non-Fiction and Fiction text features? Mrs. Coley’s 3rd grade scholars do! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
coley's class
Tomorrow is a dress down day for JTR students!
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
Students in Mrs. Lever’s 1st grade class are learning about short vowel sounds. Students worked in groups to find short a words in big books. 💙 #wearejtr #4thet
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
short vowels
short vowels
short vowels
short vowels
Our LSGT will be meeting tomorrow at 12 o’clock noon in the conference room.
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
J.T. Reddick is proud to present the August Students of the Month! These students are exemplars of being respectful, responsible, and ready! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
August SotM
Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
positive office referrals
The Howard Center provided lunch and door prizes today to the faculty and staff. Mrs. Precious Montgomery was the grand prize winner of a Michael Kors bag. Thank you, Howard Center! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT #communitysupport
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
howard center give aways
JTR's 5th grade students conducted experiments in science labs today to support their learning in their first science unit on Earth's constructive and destructive processes. The students examined the effects of acid rain on rock, experimented with the erosion process along the shore line and simulated the settings needed for abrasion and erosion to occur. These hands-on activities were an excellent way to enjoy learning today! 💙 #weareJTR #4theT #welovescience
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
hands on science
hands on science
hands on science
JT Reddick Families, please take a moment to give us your thoughts on the survey below: Your input is important to us! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT English: https://forms.gle/9X9J2fi28Ym5HSLz8 Spanish: https://forms.gle/CUuDdmCyhA1vrQVj7
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
The minds of Ms. Reynold's 4th-graders were storming as they made rain clouds in STEM lab.💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
rain clouds
rain clouds
Let's go, Blue Devils! 💙🏈 🙂 #wearejtr #4theT
over 2 years ago, Maria Hamill
blue devil gear
Mark your calendar! Here are the dates for Open House/Title I Night at each school. Don't miss it! #4theT
over 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Open House Dates
Don't forget that tomorrow is a Teacher Work Day! We look forward to seeing our students back on Tuesday. #4theT
over 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Teacher Work Day August 15th