Yearbook presales will end on Friday, March 25. Cost is $25 for yearbooks and $10 for ads. Reserve your copy TODAY! Send your order form and payment to your child's teacher or ORDER ONLINE @ WWW.YEARBOOKORDERCENTER.COM WITH CODE 23352. 💙

Spring Pictures!

Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Math Fact Blasters!

While studying World War II and the Holocaust, students in Ms. Wilson’s class read poems written by children in concentration camps. They picked a poem that made the greatest impact on them and illustrated a butterfly based on the poem. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Mrs. Morrow's class enjoyed reading today! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT #readersareleaders

Positive Office Referrals! 💙#wearejtr #4theT

It is U.S. National School Social Work Week and we want to celebrate April Holmes! We appreciate your work in helping students achieve academic success! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Ms. Jacob's first-grade GATE resource students conducted a presentation for family and staff after finishing a unit about OCEANS. The students wrote their own scripts and sensory poems and created illustrations to match. After the presentation, refreshments and fellowship were enjoyed by all. Way to go, students! More pictures can be found on Facebook @jtrestift. 🌊💙🌊 #wearejtr #4theT #saveouroceans

JTR's Media Team met to discuss the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the three divisions: reporters, anchors, and technology. Each department participated in professional development to ensure we are moving our news full speed ahead! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Super Hero Lunch! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Mrs. Caroline Bostick was tapped today as one of the 2022 TEACHERS OF EXCELLENCE by the Tift County Foundation of Educational Excellence. Family members along with members of the foundation and school and system administrators surprised the teachers in their classrooms. JTR staff and students could not be more proud of Mrs. Bostick! She is an exemplary educator! 💙💙💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Check out these kindergarteners!! Students in Ms. Jacobs’ GATE resource class enjoyed their trip to the library to learn about nonfiction texts. Students checked out a book to help them with their animal research project. 💙📚 #wearejtr #4theT #readersareleaders

Congratulations to our Teacher of the Month, Ms. Daniels, and to our Employee of the Month, Mrs. White! These amazing ladies make JTR a better place! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Ms. Melton's class enjoyed pajama day in celebration of Read Across America! 💙📚 #wearejtr #4theT #readacrossamerica

These two cute little crayons volunteered to read to other students and classrooms today! What a sweet way to end the week with Read Across America festivities! 💙📚 #weare jtr #4theT #readacrossamerica

J.T. Reddick wants to give a huge shoutout to the parents and students that made our Scholastic Book Fair a huge success! 💙 📚 #wearejtr

Today is the last day to shop the Scholastic Book Fair! Students and families may shop in the media center from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM! 💙 📚 #wearejtr

Tomorrow is the last day to shop the book fair from 8:00-12:00! Thank you to all of the families that supported the book fair and your child's education through reading! 💙📚 #readersareleaders #wearejtr #4theT

The Scholastic Spring Book Fair at is open until Friday, March 4th! Students and families may shop in the media center this week from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM daily! 💙 📚 #wearejtr