Important: Don't forget to pick up your doughnuts! See the flyer for information!

Middle School Cheerleading Tryouts!

The Scholastic Spring Book Fair at is open until Friday, March 4th! Students and families may shop in the media center this week from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM daily! 💙 📚 #wearejtr

We love celebrating Read Across America Week! 📚💙

PBIS Day is Friday, March 4th! Let’s celebrate students that are respectful, responsible, and ready! See the attached flyer for more information. 💙

Check it out...

The Scholastic Spring Book Fair at is open until Friday, March 4th! Students and families may shop in the media center this week from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM daily! 💙 📚 #wearejtr

The Scholastic Spring Book Fair at is open until Friday, March 4th! Students and families may shop in the media center this week from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM daily! 💙 📚 #wearejtr

Check it out...

We are still registering children for Pre Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year. Visit our website https://www.tiftschools.com/page/prek-registration-guidelines for more information. Don't wait, space is limited! Complete your registration today! #4theT


Scholastic Spring Book Fair begins tomorrow, February 28th! Students and families may shop in the media center this week from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM daily! 💙 📚 #wearejtr

Thank you, Mrs. Matthews and Ms. Jacobs for helping the BETA club and our local animals! 💙

JTR's BETA club members traveled to the Tift County Animal Shelter to donate all the pet supplies from our pet supply drive. BETA members work on goals like providing service to others and demonstrating character and leadership skills. Lots of sweet dogs and cats benefited from the supplies donated by JTR and our BETA club members. Thank you so much to all of those who participated! Check us out @jtres on Facebook! #JTR #BETAclub #4theT

Please join us for Family Literacy Night on Tuesday, March 1st! Come learn different literacy ideas through escape rooms! 📚💙 #readersareleaders #wearejtr #4theT

Congratulations to the February Students of the Month! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Read Across America Week is happening next week! Don't forget to dress-up each day to show your love of reading!

Do you worry about your child losing cash or a check? If so, set up your child's e-wallet using the address below. You can even share the e-wallet with family so they can support your child's love of reading! Book Fair: Feb. 28th-Mar. 4th https://www.scholastic.com/bf/jtreddickschool 💙 📚 #wearejtr

Mrs. Bostick's class celebrated their earnings for knowing their math facts! Way to go, Math Fact Master Blasters! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT

Pre-K enjoyed a beautiful sunny day with the best Administrative Team ever!