Want to work as a substitute? Apply today at ess.com or contact Mina Prophitt, Area Manager for ESS at 229-499-2635 or by email at mprophitt@ess.com.
about 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Top 3 Reasons to Work as a Substitute with ESS
ESS Substitutes Training Perks and Support
ESS Substitute Letter
Ms. Greene read "My Secret Bully" to her 5th grade class today and lead a very important conversation on the topic of bullying with students. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Say No to Bullying!
JTR's Student Council worked hard to begin a year long garden project. They are so excited to have partners from the ABAC Agriculture Education program helping to beautify the green space! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Student Council
student council
student council
student council
Ms. Clark's kindergarten student, MaKenzie, used the “Secret Stories” on the wall to write two full sentences with the "sh" sound in them! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Secret Stories
We are JTR! Yes, we are JTR! Our faculty and staff are striving to build a culture of excellence each and every day! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Staff Photo
J. T. Reddick Elementary School proudly supports Go Light Up Your World Luminaries will be lit on our campus at 7:00 PM to represent how we are unified with our community in an effort to ensure that all children have a safe and caring environment. 💙 #4theT #wearejtr
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Go Light Up Your World
Book Fair: October 18th -22nd @ JTR Media Center
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Book Fair: October 18th -22nd @ JTR Media Center
Community Meetings will be held Tuesday, Oct. 26th and Thursday, Oct. 28th (6pm - 7pm both nights @ TCHS PAC) to share the Tift County Schools facilities plan. The purpose of these meetings is to share the plan and gather community input. We look forward to seeing you! #4theT
about 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Community Meeting October 26th & 28th
Our 5th graders enjoyed learning about the proper handling and folding of the American flag. TCHS ROTC students and teachers visited with 5th graders to demonstrate the proper protocol in flag handling. Thank you, TCHS ROTC! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
ROTC flag demonstration
ROTC flag demonstration
ROTC flag demonstration
ROTC flag demonstration
JTR Family Night begins at 5:30 in the cafeteria! We can't wait to see our students and parents for a night full of math, food, and shopping the book fair! We are stronger together! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Parent Night
Mrs. Carter's class read the book, "Pumpkin Jack," which sent them on their own path to discover more about the life of a Jack-o'-Lantern. Mrs. Carter's class will be monitoring the decomposition of their pumpkin and hope that it will grow its own vine and eventually a pumpkin.
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
learning about pumpkins
learning about pumpkins
learning about pumpkins
Book Fair: October 18th -22nd @ JTR Media Center
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Book Fair: October 18th -22nd @ JTR Media Center
Thank you to the students and parents that made our first day at the Scholastic Book Fair a success! 💙
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Thank you!
JTR is proud of the September Students of the Month! Check out our Facebook page for a video of the fun! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
September Students of the Month
Positive Office Referrals! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
positive office referrals
Mrs. Carter's second grade class wore pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
pink for BCA
October 16th was National Boss’s Day. We celebrated these two today by sending them on a scavenger hunt around school. They had a blast and picked up some goodies along the way. Thank Mr. Dean and Dr. Blackshear for all you do! We appreciate you both. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Boss' Day Scavenger Hunter
Boss' Day Scavenger Hunter
Boss' Day Scavenger Hunter
Boss' Day Scavenger Hunter
Pre-K is wild about lunch and our wonderful lunchroom staff! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
wild about lunch
Pre-K supported Breast Cancer Awareness by dressing in pink! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
dressed in pink
dressed in pink
dressed in pink
Book Fair: October 18th -22nd @ JTR Media Center
about 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Book Fair: October 18th -22nd @ JTR Media Center