Students, enjoy your 3 day weekend! Don’t forget that Monday is a Teacher Work Day! #4theT
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
reminder of teacher work day
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 08/06/2021 to 08/12/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit #4theT
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
COVID-19 Weekly Update
Please watch the information provided by Superintendent Hathaway regarding our COVID-19 Update. #4theT
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Relentlessly Pursuing a Culture of Excellence
J.T. Reddick Kindergarteners had fun learning about the five senses! #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
kindergarten students
Tift County Recreation Department registrations have been extended to August 27th!
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
TCRD Registration
Tomorrow is NOT a dress down day for students. Students ARE required to wear uniforms. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
Mrs. Payne's third graders were highly focused as they wrote about a time they tried something new! #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students writing
students writing
You are looking at JTR's Media Team! These students will be hosting and producing the morning announcements starting next week. Lights, camera, action! #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
media team
Ms. Daniels' and Ms. Prince's Pre-K students practiced writing the letter A. Their work is Absolutely Amazing! #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students writing the letter A
Mrs. Morrows' class showing their creativity using the stem bins. 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
children working with stem bins
Attention all Future Cheerleaders...The TCHS Future Cheerleader Clinic (PreK - 5th Grade) will be held Saturday, September 11th from 9am until 2pm. See flyer for registration information. #4theT
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Future Cheerleader Clinic Flyer
Please be aware that FEMA and the FCC will be conducting a test today (August 11th) at 2:20pm. The test will go to televisions & radios, while specially configured cell phones will receive an emergency alert test code message. #IPAWS”
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
August 11 FEMA testing
Check out 1st grade GATE Resource students! Students had an awesome time presenting their “All About Me” bags. JTR students love Ms. Jacobs! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
student presenting
student presenting
student presenting
students presenting
Catch up with the latest student stories, news updates, and school/athletic events. It’s everything Tift Schools, in your pocket. If you haven’t already, download the app on Android: or iPhone: #4theT
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Tift County Schools App. It's everything Tift Schools, in your pocket.
Mrs. Clark’s kindergarten students participated in “Foodie Friday” and made school buses! 💙 #wearejtr
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students making school bus
students making school buses
happy student
student making school bus
Want to protect your child's Chromebook? Device coverage is now available for students in Grades K - 8. Choose one of these three options to sign up: 1: Go online to 2: Print and mail in the form 3: Call (888) 978-3515
over 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
School Device Coverage Flyer - English
School Device Coverage Flyer - Spanish
Mrs. Bostick’s class knows readers are leaders! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students reading
student reading
students reading
Mrs. Watson sweetened up writing by providing sweet, sour, and salty treats for students to practice using powerful descriptive words. Yum! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
student eating treats
student eating
student eating
student eating
Students in Mrs. Reynold’s fourth grade class presenting their Stamp Act projects! 💙#wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
students smiling
student presenting
students presenting
students presenting
Students in Mrs. Coley’s class are having fun while they learn! 💙 #wearejtr #4theT
over 3 years ago, Maria Hamill
student at a math center
student writing numbers
student at a math center
student at a math center